All of my income comes from one or more sources listed in the help text.

All of my income comes from one or more sources listed in the help text.

The following assets cannot be garnished (are exempt):

  • Homestead worth up to $3,500 and not larger than 40 rural acres or one city lot (this includes mobile homes in parks)
  • $1,000 worth of household furniture, utensils, books, and appliances
  • Tools of trade, including a motor vehicle worth up to $1,000
  • Family pictures, arms required by law, and a six-months’ supply of provisions and fuel
  • Cash value of life insurance policies payable to the insured debtor's spouse or children
  • Proceeds of life insurance policies (when held by the insurance company)
  • Insurance benefits paid or payable for illness or disability (even after deposit into a bank account)
  • Church pew and burial plot
  • Money or other benefit (such as a burial policy) to be paid by a domestic fraternal society
  • The right or interest in certain pensions, profit-sharing, stock bonuses, or other qualified plans. This exemption does not apply to plans that are already subject to court orders for divorce or child support.
  • Certain farm animals and livestock
Do not show in Triage: